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Thursday 31 January 2008

How to use television in the healthiest way?

Television is one thing that keeps us from doing the things we want to do with our children. No matter what kind of educational programme they are watching, it’s very important to think about the precedents you are setting when you introduce television to your child. Pediatricians worldwide recommend no television or very little television for young children. Most parents raise self- entertaining child. Instead consider spending quality time with your child and consider teaching your child how to use television in the healthiest way.

Few parents want their children to grow up couch potatoes or television monsters. If they want them to read, play, get exercise and have hobbies, they should practice and teach planned television watching. Turn the television on only when you have a specific program or show to watch, and then turn it off.

Children want to be with their parents. Move television into a less central part of the house, so that collective viewing is more difficult. Remember the possibilities of radio, music, or even books on tape for diversion. Save your own TV-watching until after the child has gone to bed.

Television uses little of your brain. It can be soothing to an over-tired or ill child. But use television for specific purposes or make the family fun special.

While your child watches television, most of the brain is inactive. He is not moving, talking, feeling or exploring or using his senses. It could be improved, if you watch along and expand on what is happening conversationally. You can neutralize at least some negatives of television watching.

It inhibits language development. Even the better shows rely on visuals at the expense of talk. Kids who are used to television may have a hard time developing their communication and language. Having it on permanently in the background can hinder listening skills. There's evidence that children's social skills don't develop as well if they have less chance to play and interact.

Research has pointed to late-night television viewing as a prime cause of disturbed sleep. Winding down with a familiar story is best at bedtime.

If possible, show your child commercial free television channels or videos. Television introduces your child to the world of commercials and the hard sell.

Television takes away time that families could spend talking, learning, being together. Treasure your family time.

It is unrealistic to say 'don't watch at all', but sensible discussion of limits should be encouraged. Try to limit television to no more than half an hour a day for the under-twos and an hour a day for three to five-year-olds. Managed and in moderation, television can be helpful to young children's language and emotional development.



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